Lucky Fred Lucky Fred 51 Episodes MPAA Rating G – General Audiences Lucky Fred is a comedy featuring quirky teenager Fred, his morphing robot Friday, and his secret agent neighbor Brianna. Together they will save the world from aliens and evil masterminds, and have lots of fun along the way! Categories Comedy Hero HQ Tags comedy animated robots lucky fred science school hero superhero Season 1 S1E1 - The Big Picture S1E2 - Unlucky Fred S1E3 - Love Deodorant S1E4 - Super Thomas S1E5 - Gelatina S1E6 - The Great Conspiracy S1E7 - Float Fault S1E8 - Giants and Bigheads S1E9 - Corky's Prince S1E10 - Carrotade S1E11 - Fred Takes a Shot S1E12 - Braianna Gets the Boot S1E13 - Snow Day S1E14 - Egghead's Revenge S1E15 - Surprise Day Off S1E16 - San Juan Night S1E17 - Briana Bot S1E18 - Friday Gets Recalled S1E19 - Fred's Game S1E20 - Books and Roses S1E21 - The Short Report S1E22 - Fred Gets Crushed S1E23 - Dusty Rides Again S1E24 - Mister Perfect S1E25 - Squirrel Scare S1E26 - Boredom Blues S1E27 - Puppy Love S1E28 - Unready to Rumble S1E29 - Mom-Bot S1E30 - Agent Alpha One S1E31 - Science Unfair S1E32 - Fred's Close Shave S1E33 - Girlfriends Are a Girl's Best Friend S1E34 - The Red Button S1E35 - Crushing Friday S1E36 - Fake Robot Parents S1E37 - Weather Boy S1E38 - You've Got Fe-Mail S1E39 - Brain's Math Problem S1E40 - Basket Bunny S1E41 - Bottle Racquet S1E42 - The Day the Boys Stood Still S1E43 - Mouse Trap S1E44 - King of the Sewer Bears S1E45 - The Smelly Princess S1E46 - The Dung Beetle S1E47 - The Ride of Their Lives S1E48 - Return of the Dirt Demonds S1E49 - The New Fred S1E50 - Coach Dad S1E51 - The Thing That Slept Over