I Didn't Know I Did It On Purpose!

I Didn't Know I Did It On Purpose!


Irina accuses Fatou of having peed in the ocean. Fatou vehemently denies it. But Irina is convinced she is guilty and continues her accusations. Fatou gets angrier and angrier at the injustice of the whole thing and tempers flare. In order to calm things down and get to the bottom of this, Roger decides to investigate. He is going to compare the pee in the ocean with that of all the inhabitants of the island. Roger and Fatou, like a couple of lab scientists, have to go around collecting samples. Even Roger has to take the test. And what a shock when everyone finds out that the pee samples prove that the guilty party is none other than...Roger himself!! He totally denies it. So what really did happen...?

Renaud Martin

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