The Mojicons The Mojicons 26 Episodes 2025 Moji, Brainpot, Fringe And All Your Fav Emojis! Categories Comedy Adventure Fantasy Tags funny cute internet texting messaging email emoticons emotions Season 1 S1E1 - Inception S1E2 - Kidnapping S1E3 - The First Suspect S1E4 - Unwelcome Guests S1E5 - Mysterious Tunnel S1E6 - Unexpected Rendezvous S1E7 - Internet Exists! S1E8 - A New Friend S1E9 - Looking for Mydoom S1E10 - Odd Witness S1E11 - Fidonet S1E12 - Reboot S1E13 - The Lady Vanishes S1E14 - Looking for Fringe S1E15 - Queen for Green S1E16 - The Joy Shield S1E17 - Open Access S1E18 - Virus Attack S1E19 - Mojitown Saved S1E20 - In Search of Polyphagus S1E21 - The Moll of Polyphagus S1E22 - Virus Source Code S1E23 - The Notebook of Polyphagus S1E24 - Spam Attack S1E25 - Gearing Up for Battle S1E26 - The Face-Off