HYDRO and FLUID HYDRO and FLUID 64 Episodes MPAA Rating G – General Audiences Beings made of water have a lot of fun by doing experiments with themselves. Guess which is their key element? That’s right, water! Categories Gross Out TV Comedy Tags water funny weird gross crazy friends Season 1 S1E1 - Instant Freeze S1E2 - Shiny Water S1E3 - Bad Mood S1E4 - Exchanging Fluids S1E5 - On Fire S1E6 - The Faker S1E7 - Fall Down Balloon S1E8 - Detergent With Pepper S1E9 - Rain Dance S1E10 - Water Laser S1E11 - Aquatic Illusion S1E12 - Floating Egg S1E13 - Flooding Season 2 S2E1 - Quicksand S2E2 - Rocket Water S2E3 - Pressure Friends Day S2E4 - Detergent, Glycerin & Bubbles! S2E5 - Sticky Ice S2E6 - Halloween S2E7 - Water Dance S2E8 - Density S2E9 - Valentine's Day S2E10 - The Dark Side of the Prism S2E11 - Magnetic Slime S2E12 - Instantly Fake Snow S2E13 - Tornado Season 3 S3E1 - Draw My Life S3E2 - Extreme Magnet Train S3E3 - Hydro Sputnik S3E4 - Hydrophobia S3E5 - Like a Movie S3E6 - Tenor S3E7 - Iron Fluid S3E8 - Dopple Ganger S3E9 - Waterproof Sand S3E10 - Table Tennis S3E11 - CO2 Handmade S3E12 - Babel S3E13 - Scrambled Eggs Season 4 S4E1 - Rainbow Sugar S4E2 - Mr. Potato S4E3 - Extreme Gases! S4E4 - Silly Detective S4E5 - Lost in the Jungle S4E6 - Wet Gravity S4E7 - Water Tattoo S4E8 - Out of Season S4E9 - Nightmare S4E10 - Let's Gamble S4E11 - Castaway S4E12 - Epic Monster Battle S4E13 - Hydro in Sky With Water Season 5 S5E1 - Rolling Rocks S5E2 - Cornstarch Pool S5E3 - Annual Candle Event S5E4 - Static Electricity S5E5 - Labor Day S5E6 - Pirates S5E7 - Circus Attraction S5E8 - Symphony S5E9 - Dance Challenge S5E10 - Pimp my Ramen S5E11 - Mind Blowing Ramp S5E12 - Super Glue